Practical Packet Analysis 2nd Edition

Practical Packet Analysis, 2nd Edition was written over the course of a year and a half, from late 2009 to mid 2011, approximately four years after the first edition’s release. This book contains almost all new content, with completely new capture files and scenarios. If you liked the first edition, then you will like this one. It is written in the same tone and breaks down xplanations in a simple, understandable manner. If you didn’t like the first edition, you will like this one, because of the new scenarios andexpanded content.

Why This Book?
You may find yourself wondering why you should buy this book as opposed to any other book about packet analysis. The answer lies in the title: Practical Packet Analysis. Let’s face it—nothing beats real-world experience, and the closest you can come to that experience in a book is through practical exam-ples of packet analysis with real-world scenarios.

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